On October 04, 2011, Health Minister Dr Yves Bolduc announced the launch of a new CPR traiining program that requires just 30 minutes. The training is recognized by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and participants in this program will receive a certification card.
Dr Bolduc is hopeful that half of the Quebec population (about 3 million people) can be trained by this program within the next 5 years.
This program will teach how to recognize and react to:
adult cardiac arrest (CPR)
adult cardiac arrest (use of AED)
This program is an inexpensive way to train large groups in short periods of time. Ideal for schools, large offices or companies, churches/synagogues and other community groups.
Note: the certification provided in the 'Hero in 30' courses may not meet work requirements. Traditional CPR courses (CPR level A+, C or C+) are often needed for work or school pre-requisites.