Ensuring your child's health and safety are one of the most important responsibilities that you have as a parent.
This is not always an easy task, considering children are always questioning and investigating the world in which they live. Homes, playgrounds and schoolyards can be hazardous environments.
The CPR Instructor's Network has prepared information on various topics related to injuries and illnesses.
The following provides you with general and preventative information for you and your family members. We encourage you to share these with all members of your family and to friends and acquaintances and strongly encourage everyone to take CPR/AED and First Aid training.
Please contact theCPR Instructor's Network for information on courses, lectures and/or demonstrations for your family, workplace, or community organization.
CPR Instructor's Network� (Montreal) 514-685-5CPR|www.CPRNETWORK.ca|info@cprnetwork.ca Canada's premier CPR training organization! We also sell AEDs!